Today i was sitting in a fireside and i look down at my skirt and there it was.
a FLY.
I've been told before that if you are realllly quick and
move towards the front of it instead of the back, there is
a small chance that you could catch it.
As i am sitting there, i start
thinking to myself if i should just TRY to catch it.
I couldn't resist.
As reverently as possible, i swooped my hand right in front of the little guy.
Well, this lady below SWALLOWED a fly.
(i personally think thats way cooler)
A few days ago anna and isaac ran a mile race at BYU.
It was out of all provo district schools, but was divided by boys and girls,
and their grade.
ANNA: came in 3rd place.
ISAAC: 1st.
whatttta stud!
i love these two soo much! i probably broke a few peoples
eardrums with all my cheering. whooops.