Don't think i'm weird because i put flowers on everything i make--I love them.
Did you notice my title? BABES? Well, i just have to share this story! Today my sisters and i went to do baptisms. It was a very long wait, but i'm so glad i stayed or else i wouldn't have been able to talk to this cute old man. Anyway, so i was sitting at the end of the bench right next to the girls changing room. The sweet old ladies kept running this heavy hamper of wet towels back and forth from the laundry room i'm assuming? So this man (that made my day) walked to the lady that was bringing out another hamper. She kind of rolled the hamper towards him and he said "Thanks babes!" Me and Gabrielle both looked up confused. He looked down at us trying not to laugh and said, " I only call her babes because she's my wife." He was SO cute about how he acted around her, and such a gentleman. When i am married, i want my husband to be just like him. He can call me BABES too if he wants.