last night i had the biggest urge to push down a snowman.
i know, i know.
how could i be so rude?
i attempted anyway.
and failed...completely.
i ran full force towards this snowman below,
& was 100% positive that i would knock it right over.
little did i know...
it was completely ice (because it was so cold)
and it practically knocked me over instead.
and pretty sure i got the air knocked out of me.
i guess i had to learn this lesson the hard way?
on a happier, and sunday note.
church was amazing today.
i was feeling sick during sunday school,
and was thinking i would maybe just go home instead of going to relief society.
i decided to stay and couldn't be more happy about it.
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"when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
luke 22:32.
i love that scripture. it touched my heart today.
& just reminded me that we all need to help and strengthen
those around us, so that we can all return to our heavenly father someday.
this gospel. i love it.
hahaha that is so sad/hilarious about the snowman.